New Supplies!



Our kids always crave the newest,best art supplies; who wouldn’t? When we brought my favorite watercolor crayons outside, I held my breath. Would they treat them with the proper reverence and respect?

Mostly yes. Isabel spent an hour carefully sketching lines of color, then blending them with water.

The only run in we had was when the purple crayon broke in half. I said it was no big deal, because it’s great to have two purple crayons. She disagreed, and repeatedly threw the broken outcasts under the picnic table, because they didn’t fit her sense of order. 

It can’t be a coincidence that three friends recently sent me the link to the most beautiful blog post ever, by Mica Angela Hendricks. I’m inspired and in love with the collaborative work that Mica creates with her four-year-old daughter. They have prints and t-shirts and all kinds of good stuff for sale at Society6. I’m leaning toward buying Outer Face


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