Girl’s Best Friend

72567_10151359346706288_853470346_nSaturdays were going to be about getting the family involved with volunteering and helping others, but our plans changed today. Michael brought home a black lab named Guinness, and he immediately became the center of attention. You could say that we’re helping Guinness, because he needed a home, but of course he’s the one bringing joy and a sense of levity to us.

Isabel is especially in love, talking to him constantly, sure that he understands everything she says. They followed each other around the house all day, both looking for extra snacks. Tonight she fell asleep in minutes, but only after Guinness had settled next to her bed.


3 thoughts on “Girl’s Best Friend

  1. She is settling in…a work-in-progress. I wish I was more fluent in dog language. We’ve talked about making some homemade dog treats–Maybe that can be part of your family meals theme, too!? ; )

    Reading Rainbow featured a trip to a dog bakery–you may be able to find that at your library (I tried to find a clip on-line to send you–no luck!) You can try this listing: Pet stories [videorecording] : you don’t have to walk–>or this listing: Reading Rainbow: Man’s Best Friend (Martha Speaks & The Adventures of Taxi Dog) (2006)

    Sam and Bella may enjoy it…let me know if you find it and how they respond!

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